Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shady Lane

acrylic on paper 12" x 16"
I suppose I could have spent more time detailing the grass and the shadows, but ovreall I am pleased with the composition, the perspective and the colors.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cliff Face

oil on canvas paper 8"x10"
I liked painting this, although I wish I had better control over painting what I actually see. I see all the flaws in this, areas that should be shaded that ended up highlighted, and vice versa. But, if I keep practicing, I will get better at it. Right?

Here is another version that I did with a limited palette of watercolors:
watercolor on paper 6" x 8"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mt Hood Meadows

Oil on Canvas Paper 16"x20"
I could have painted the mountain a little better, but overall I am pleased with the composition and the sense of depth portrayed here.