Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lavender Valley

Terye sent this beautiful picture to me, and I loved it and saw it as a challenge, which I truly enjoyed painting:

Oil on canvas paper 11"x14"
Thanks, Terye!


acrylic and oil on canvas paper 8"x10"
This was my first attempt at impressionism - I wanted to give the impression of the blurry background of a photo focused on the butterfly. Details are difficult, though - especially such small details.

Dillon Beach

This was my first plein air painting, which I painted at Dillon Beach a few weeks ago. The lesson I learned here was to buy good paint and good brushes, without them, you can only paint a mediocre painting! It was fun, though, painting outside, and I hope to have more opportunities to try. I'll buy better supplies before I do.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Beach Combers

acrylic on paper 8"x10"
This is a little better, definitely need to work on painting rocks. Unless I say they are sand dunes, which could also be improved! I will be going to Dillon Beach Nov 12 and hope to bring my paints with me and get a chance to paint in the open plein air



acrylic on paper 8"x10"
Yeah, it's pretty bad, but I won't get any better if I don't keep practicing!